That action could not be completed.
That action could not be completed.
That action could not be completed.
That action could not be completed.
That action could not be completed.
That action could not be completed.
Connection Failed. Please refresh your browser and check your internet firewall settings to enable live updates.
{{ ::"Initial Deposit" | translate }}
{{lot.deposit_amount | price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ ::"You Bid" | translate }}
{{ LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid | price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ ::"Passed" | translate }}
{{ ::"Withdrawn" | translate }}
{{ ::"Sold" | translate }}
{{ lot.sold_price|price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ ::"Ended" | translate }}
{{ ::"Won" | translate }}
{{ ::"Purchased" | translate }}
{{ lot.sold_price|price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ ::"Delete Bid?" | translate }}
{{ ::"Delete Bid?" | translate }}
{{ ::"Initial Deposit" | translate }}
{{lot.deposit_amount | price:lot.currency_code }}
Minimum Bid:
{{lot.starting_price | price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ ::"Current" | translate }}
{{ lot.timed_auction_bid.amount | price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ ::"Initial Deposit" | translate }}
{{lot.deposit_amount | price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ ::"Winning" | translate }}
{{ ::"Bidding" | translate }}
{{ lot.timed_auction_bid.amount | price:lot.currency_code }}
({{ :: "Max:" | translate }}
{{ LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid | price:lot.currency_code }})
{{ ::"Outbid" | translate }}
{{ ::"You Bid" | translate }}
{{ LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid | price:lot.currency_code }}
x {{ lot.quantity }} = {{ LotService.calculateTotalBidCost(lot, LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid) | price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ ::"Current" | translate }}
{{ lot.timed_auction_bid.amount | price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ ::"Initial Deposit" | translate }}
{{lot.deposit_amount | price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ ::"Lost" | translate }}
{{ ::"Sold" | translate }}
{{ lot.sold_price|price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ ::"Ended" | translate }}
{{ ::"Won" | translate }}
{{ ::"Purchased" | translate }}
{{ lot.sold_price|price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ ::"Delete Bid?" | translate }}
{{ ::"Delete Bid?" | translate }}
Initial Deposit
{{lot.deposit_amount | price:lot.currency_code }}
Your max bid
{{ LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid | price:lot.currency_code }}
Edit Bid
{{ lot.web_module.absentee_bid.rounded_amount_message_title }}
{{ lot.web_module.absentee_bid.rounded_amount_message_content }}
{{ lot.timed_auction_bid.amount | price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ lot.sold_price|price:lot.currency_code }}
Opening Bid:
{{ lot.starting_price | price:lot.currency_code }}
Delete Bid?
{{ ::"Winning" | translate }} | {{ ::"Bidding" | translate }}
{{ lot.timed_auction_bid.amount | price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ ::"Won" | translate }}
{{ ::"Purchased" | translate }}
{{ lot.sold_price | price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ ::"Outbid" | translate }} | {{ ::"You Bid" | translate }}
{{ LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid | price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ ::"Sold" | translate }}
{{ lot.sold_price|price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ ::"Passed" | translate }}
{{ ::"Lost" | translate }}
{{ ::"Sold" | translate }}
{{ ::lot.sold_price|price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ ::"Ended" | translate }}
{{ ::"Outbid" | translate }}
{{ LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid | price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ "Minimum Bid" | translate }}:
{{ lot.starting_price | price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ "Current" | translate }}
{{ lot.timed_auction_bid.amount | price:lot.currency_code }}
({{ "Max" | translate }}:
{{ LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid | price:lot.currency_code }})
{{ ::"Edit Bid" | translate }}
{{ lot.web_module.absentee_bid.rounded_amount_message_title }}
{{ lot.web_module.absentee_bid.rounded_amount_message_content }}
{{ lot.currency_sign}}
{{ "Delete Bid?" | translate }}
{{ ::"Winning" | translate }} | {{ ::"Bidding" | translate }}
{{ lot.timed_auction_bid.amount | price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ ::"Won" | translate }}
{{ ::"Purchased" | translate }}
{{ lot.sold_price | price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ ::"Outbid" | translate }} | {{ ::"You Bid" | translate }}
{{ LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid | price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ ::"Sold" | translate }}
{{ lot.sold_price|price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ ::"Passed" | translate }}
{{ ::"Lost" | translate }}
{{ ::"Sold" | translate }}
{{ ::lot.sold_price|price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ ::"Ended" | translate }}
{{ ::"Outbid" | translate }}
{{ LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid | price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ "Minimum Bid" | translate }}:
{{ lot.starting_price | price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ "Current" | translate }}
{{ lot.timed_auction_bid.amount | price:lot.currency_code }}
({{ "Max" | translate }}:
{{ LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid | price:lot.currency_code }})
{{ ::"Edit Bid" | translate }}
{{ lot.web_module.absentee_bid.rounded_amount_message_title }}
{{ lot.web_module.absentee_bid.rounded_amount_message_content }}
{{ lot.currency_sign}}
{{ "Delete Bid?" | translate }}
Initial Deposit
{{lot.deposit_amount | price:lot.currency_code }}
Your max bid
{{ LotService.currentAbsenteeBid(lot).max_bid | price:lot.currency_code }}
Edit Bid
{{ lot.web_module.absentee_bid.rounded_amount_message_title }}
{{ lot.web_module.absentee_bid.rounded_amount_message_content }}
{{ lot.timed_auction_bid.amount | price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ lot.sold_price|price:lot.currency_code }}
Opening Bid:
{{ lot.starting_price | price:lot.currency_code }}
Delete Bid?
Price: {{ lot.starting_price|price:lot.currency_code }}
{{ lot.estimate_high|price:lot.currency_code}}
Estimate On Request
{{ == "timed" ? ("Timed Auction" | translate) : ("Live Auction" | translate) }} ({{days!=0?(days+'d '):''}}{{(days != 0 || hours != 0)?(hours+'h '):''}}{{minutes}}m {{seconds}}s )
(Starts in {{days!=0?(days+'d '):''}}{{(days != 0 || hours != 0)?(hours+'h '):''}}{{minutes}}m {{seconds}}s )
Live Bidding {{WMService.biddingStartDate('begins':'began'}} {{ WMService.biddingStartDateSubtitle( }}
({{$parent.WMService.timerFormat(days, hours, minutes)}} left for internet bidding)
{{ viewVars.brand == 'hdh' ? ('Errata'|translate) : ('Lot Updates'|translate) }}
{{ 'Item Updates' | translate }}
{{ ::("ARTIST" | translate) }}
{{ "Location" | translate }}
{{ "Size" | translate }}
{{ viewVars.categoryLabel.singular | translate }}
{{"Description" | translate }}
{{"Condition" | translate }}
{{viewVars.brand == 'hdh'?'Tasting Notes': ('Medium' | translate) }}
{{"Signature" | translate }}
{{"Provenance" | translate }}
{{"Literature" | translate }}
{{"Quantity" | translate }}
{{"Exhibited" | translate }}
{{"Contact Notes" | translate }}
{{property.label}} | {{property.value}} |
{{ "Month" | translate }} | {{ "Revenue" | translate }} | {{ "Expenses" | translate }} | {{ "Profit" | translate }} |
{{ [ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ][property.month]}} {{property.year}} | {{property.revenue|price:lot.currency_code}} | {{property.expenses|price:lot.currency_code}} | {{property.profit|price:lot.currency_code}} |
{{}} | {{property.description}} |
{{ 'AUCTIONCURRENCY' | translate:{ CURRENCYCODE: viewVars.lot.currency_code }:'messageformat' }}